Meet the little girl, who beats much older boys

Haniya Minhas fell in love with Tennis when she was only 3-year-old. She started playing the game in United Arab Emirates and at the age of only 7, she won her first title, in both boys and girls event, after beating some boys. But the problem came for her, when her father lost the job in UAE and she had to move to Pakistan.

Haniya faced some difficulty as there were not any young girls of her age to compete with in Pakistan. She had to register in boy’s event and had this task to beat all the boys. But one little girl excelled against all the boys and defeated all of them alone.


Haniya Minhas with her awards


Haniya Minhas playing tennis

At the age of 9, she won more than 10 titles in the year, beating boys in Under-10 and Under-12 events. Haniya also won some titles in Under-14 category after beating much older girls. In 2020, she decided to go in even higher category and won Under-18 category titles in girl’s event, where she had to compete with girls 7-8 years older than her.

Little champion Haniya Minhas with her trophy

Haniya aims to go abroad for training with foreign coaches, as she was encouraged by some of the top coaches, that she could be next big thing in Tennis. The 10-year-old girl also aims to become first ever Pakistani to win a Grand Slam title.

She trains 3-4 hours in a day, with a dream of making Pakistan’s flag fly higher in the sports arenas, but due to lack of funds, also needs some support from the government.


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