A Love Story That Breaks Social Taboos

 “Though soulmates aren’t looking for you, they will find you.”

― Kevin Ansbro

And so did Sowar and Fouad, they found the best in each other which became the best thing that had ever happened to them. They found compatibility, affinity, togetherness and comfort in each other, even if they don’t feel affiliated to the society, as they suffer from Down syndrome. But they don’t feel this need of association with the society as they complete each other.

Sowar al-Sahili, 22 and Fouad al Tahir, 19, they both live in Tunisia and are family friends. Among their siblings and family overall, they are the only ones with the unique gene of Down syndrome in their DNA. Their families never discriminated them from their siblings and took care of them normally, and this gave them strength and confidence to face the society and feel related in every walk of life. Fatma olaiqy, Sowar’s mother says that her daughter is no different from other girls. She is sensitive and she empathize others. She has emotions just like everybody else and she enjoys being happy.

They grew up closely together as their families had good ties with each other.  As they grew older, their families could see great love and compatibility between them. Al-Kilai al Sahili, Sowar’s father tells in an interview that he was at a wedding with Fouad’s father where he insisted on taking a photograph of Sowar and Fouad together and while they were doing that, they saw how well they got along and loved each other’s company.

And then came the time when they declared their limitless love for each other officially, in front of their families and this whole world. Fouad proposed Sowar on 27th September 2020 and they got engaged as a token of their love for each other.

The families shared some glimpses of their engagement party on social media where they were seen dancing together. But unfortunately, this invited harsh criticism and bullying by the audience.

According to Ferial al Taheri, Fouad’s sister- many people did not accept Fouad and Sowar’s love story. On Facebook, there were many bad comments and foul language. There were a lot of people who did not accept Sowar and Fouad for who they are.

But Sowar and Fouad were courageous and unshakeable. By holding each other’s hand, they proved that their love is stronger than bullying. They enjoy every moment together without shame or fear.

Around 200 children are born with Down syndrome every year in Tunisia. There are organizations for people with Down syndrome in the country but their families say they are ineffective. They do not have specialized centers that care for people with Down syndrome, if these centers existed, then people like Sowar and Fouad would be cared for and they would get married or have children.

Despite these challenges, they plan to get married in four years. They need time to learn more about married life. Until their wedding day, they hope their love will continue to prosper.

Watch their inspirational video here  

What is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome.

Down syndrome varies in severity among individuals, causing lifelong intellectual disability and developmental delays. It’s the most common genetic chromosomal disorder and cause of learning disabilities in children. It also commonly causes other medical abnormalities, including heart and gastrointestinal disorders.

Better understanding of Down syndrome and early interventions can greatly increase the quality of life for children and adults with this disorder and help them live fulfilling lives.



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