Exclusive Report on Transgenders

“Transgender community has always been suppressed and discriminated” – Mahjabeen Sohail 

Government of Pakistan passed Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act in May 2018 to accommodate assurance, alleviation and recovery of privileges of the transgender people and their welfare and other related issues. Other than giving transgender people the privilege to be perceived according to ones sex character or sexual orientation articulation, it additionally indicates legacy shares, restricts separation and provocation and requires the government to establish protection centers, provide medical facilities, institute mechanisms for awareness; and support livelihood. Protection of Rights act 2018 was the first step of government which guaranteed the rights of transgender community. This bill was drafted by Dr. Babar Awan as a private member bill. Its goal was to provide maximum rights to this oppressed community in order to empower them. Transgender welfare policy is another effort of government for this marginalized class to reduce their problems and provide them basic rights. In our society, the problem does not just stem from the absence of laws but the intolerant and insensitive attitude of people that generally originates from the rising level of frustration and aggression in our society. They are forced to entertain people by dance and other sexual activities.


Implementation of this bill has become a fake political promise which has not yet been fulfilled. No such commission has been made till date, neither on federal level nor on provincial level, for the provision of rules and implementation of Transgender Act. It was decided that protection centers, separate schools and vocational institutions would be made but we can’t see any step taken by the government. Still they are being discriminated and humiliated in the society. Drafting this policy and talking about this community is itself a big achievement but the major issue is social acceptance. People are not ready to accept them or consider them as part of the society. Due to lack of awareness only 20% people know about this bill rest of the 80% people are not even aware of this policy. People humiliate them in the name of religion. The major reason behind this condition of transgender community is zero implementation of this bill and other laws. Government has taken no steps for the effective implementation, due to which transgender are still facing a lot of problems and the bill is of no use to them. They do not have jobs, education and health facilities. Still they are raped, murdered and forced to entertain people. This Act is considered as a good initiative of government but it needs a proper mechanism for the implementation. Otherwise it is only a piece of paper for transgender community which was made and dumped without any legal framework.

We appreciate Mahjabeen Sohail for writing this special report exclusively for theblindside.pk.


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