Rameen Syed

Journalist, Singer

There are always some moments when you ask a question or mention something which is followed by an awkward silence, weird disapproving stares or immediate shushing. And then you are told not to talk about it or do it as you will be judged by the society. ALERT!! You just touched a taboo and keep it in mind that now you really have to talk or know about it.
So, let’s talk about a few taboos, ALOUD!


Sexuality is an integral part of a human’s psychology and physiology yet talking or learning about it is the biggest taboo in countries like Pakistan. It’s just like you having to eat food but you are not allowed to know what food to eat and how the digestion mechanism works! And mind you, the country has high rates or abortions and sexually transmitted diseases, population explosion is another factor.  Hence, it is extremely significant to discuss the advantages of having sexual education programs in Pakistan and analyze the current impact of an absence of such programs and public awareness campaigns.


Victim blaming is the root cause of underreported cases of sexual assault. Additionally, the assumption, that honor of the whole family is associated to the honor of a woman and honor of a woman is sadly associated to the female genitalia. A recent example of victim blaming is the motorway accident where CCPO Lahore blamed rape victim by raising questions on why she left the house without a male partner, why she opted that route, why were kids with her, giving an impression as if she was the reason behind that sexual assault. Similarly, many families and women are reluctant to report cases of sexual assault or harassment because of the taboo that it would bring shame to the family. Therefore we can say that victims of sexual violence are more oppressed ones than the culprits themselves.


The third sex, transgender is considered and treated as a minority in Pakistan, Often as a sign of misfortune, bad omen or even God’s wrath. The particular family is pressurized to abandon that transgender child of theirs and the unfortunate naturally disabled child ends up spending his entire live in abandonment and deprived of all the comforts of a normal life. Transgender are marginalized in all walks of life, they cannot acquire education, mainstream jobs and are often deprived of the basic by human right that is to be ‘respected’.


In Pakistan, most of the population is in denial about their mental health issues and reluctance prevails in them due to the stigma being associated to the people who report any such issue. They are instantly labeled as ‘insane’ if they try to reach out for professional help. Most of the mental illnesses are considered as supernatural influences and instead of approaching a psychiatrist or psychologist, spiritual healers are consulted hence the root cause of the ailment remains unaddressed and uncured. We can say that some of the people are unaware that mental health issues are the real ones and some of them lack self-actualization.


Majorly, divorce is a gender specific taboo that affects women mostly. Women in Pakistan are constantly told by her family members to compromise her wishes, self-steam and dignity to hold the relationship of marriage no matter how oppressed or unhappy she is, as the separation would bring disgrace to the whole family. So the phenomenon of divorce is discouraged and women are forced to live in an unhappy marriage. On the other hand if she takes a divorce, the aftermath is not very pleasant or supportive. She is often ridiculed by the society and the label of being a divorcee impedes daily chores and long term plans of her life.


Concept of honor killings is more prevalent in societies where there is no concept of individualism. Where the concept of universal morality prevails and no individual living in a family setting is allowed to have his/her own set of ethics. Hence any divergence from the set rules is intolerable and consequences can be brutal. Killing of girls in the name of honor just because they practiced their free will falls under this category.


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