We Know Who We Are!

21st century and still looking for acceptance!- Shanaye Khan

We are living in a society made up of gender roles. All of us are assigned roles, responsibilities, and other activities as per our genders. We think of males as strong while females are taken as the fragile part of society. These self-made gender roles and stereotypes are accepted by the majority but for a second, think of people who still struggle for their acceptance among us? To highlight such issues team blindside decided to sit with a transgender-come-girl who expressed her experiences and struggles she has made to be a part of this society.
We interviewed Shanaye Khan, a 23 years old Transgender from Lahore, Pakistan who is currently working as a QA specialist in a private firm. Her life has been tough and full of struggle. She recently enrolled herself in UCP for MBA.

On asking about her upbringing she said:
“I left my family at the age of 14 for the sake of my family’s honor”
She worked at Depilex for Mussarat Misbah where she was harassed and was kicked out. She told the team blindside that Mussarat Misbah claimed her for being faulty and proclaimed the harassing manager as faultless.
Her next destination was Consultech Soul Software House where she worked very hard but at the time of payment, she was kicked out without clearing her dues. And then after the lockdown, Shanaye joined ilaan.com as a QA specialist and she was looking very happy about this workplace. She said that people are very cooperative and she is learning a lot at ilaan.com.
On asking about some brutal experiences she told that she was once stopped at the gate of Emporium mall because the guards didn’t let her go in because of the gender. Even though she was wearing a ladies’ dress and makeup, people still entitle her as “Sir” to make her realize that she doesn’t fit in this female getup.

According to Shanaye Khan, only 30% – 35% of people in our society accept this gender as a part of them while the rest of them harass, laugh, and degrade transgenders. Shanaye Khan was the one who suffered a lot but in the end, proved that this gender can be a part of this society and was reunited with her family in 2018.
The gender that we have still not accepted as a part of our society needs recognition. Their life would have been much easier only if their family starts accepting them. They do not ask for money, fame, rights in the property but some recognition and acceptance that they are a part of the society.

If any of the readers wants to get in touch with Shanaye Khan and Ask her about the motivation or her story, you can contact her at Instagram/shanaye.khan97


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