Turkey and Pakistan Propose a Physical Protection Force for Palestine in OIC Meeting

Turkey has called for an “international protection mechanism” for besieged Palestinian civilians during a virtual meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a move backed by Pakistan.

An emergency meeting of the 57-member Muslim bloc was called to discuss ways to prevent Israel from killing more Palestinians in besieged Gaza and occupied West Bank. The call was made on Sunday amid the ongoing atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza and other parts of Palestinian lands.

Mevlut Cavusoglu, Foreign Minister of Turkey, while representing his country tabled an international protection mechanism on for Palestinian civilians on a ground basis.

“The efforts should include physical protection through forming an international protection force with military and financial contributions of willing countries,” Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during the virtual meeting of OIC members.

Cavusoglu also mentioned that such a mechanism was in line with a 2018 UN General Assembly resolution and reaffirmed the Muslim countries to show unity and determination for Palestine.

The Turkish foreign minister also stated that efforts by certain Muslim countries to normalize ties with Israel have fortified the Jewish state.

“We should stand for justice and humanity. There should be no other considerations. This is time to show our unity and decisiveness. The Ummah Muslim community expects our leadership and courage, and Turkey is ready to take whatever action is necessary.”

Cavusoglu suggested to the OIC that the International Criminal Court could play a role where Israel can be held accountable for war crimes.

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister also condemned Israel’s “flagrant violations” of Palestinian rights and denounced the “forcible” eviction of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem and urged the international community to end this “dangerous escalation.

As the Muslim leaders discuss and condemn the atrocious annexation of its territories by Israel, Israel continues relentless bombing in Gaza and other besieged areas. As of today, Israeli violence has entered its second week and has killed nearly 200 innocent people, including 52 children.

Pakistan ready to join any move to end bloodshed

Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that the country will back every move that ends bloodshed in Palestine.

“Pakistan remains ready to join hands with other OIC member states in any move to stop ongoing bloodshed of Palestinians.”

He said attempts to “creating false equivalence between Israel, the aggressor and Palestinians, the victims, is inexcusable.”

“Attempts to silence media through tyranny is unacceptable. OIC owes genesis to Palestinian issue. Muslim Ummah must exhibit strong solidarity for people with action.”


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