South African Chefs Fighting Hunger With Food Waste During the Pandemic

A group of South African chefs is making headlines all over the world for their humanitarian gesture and an incredible way to fight the unavoidable hunger that follows pandemics like COVID-19.

The group has created an organization called Chefs with Compassion. They process the hundreds of tonnes of waste food collected by another organization NOSH Food Rescue and channel it to feed the hungry fellow citizens.

Hanneke van Linge – an activist associated with NOSH told that every year millions of tonnes of raw food go into waste. What their organization does is to collect those vegetables right from the markets, farmers, suppliers, and restaurants. The collected food is then brought to a place called ‘sharehouse’ where it is processed to make it eatable/presentable before being distributed among the needy ones.

Lange said that this year NOSH managed to rescue about a thousand tonnes of food and diverted it to help families struggling to make ends meet.

We have a very strong policy at Chefs with Compession of zero wastage. So, anything that is not fit for human consumption is separated from the fresh food and is collected by local pig farmers.

“Nearly a quarter of South Africans go to bed hungry,” she said, sharing an estimated figure from before the economic fallout caused by the COVID-19.

Chefs with Compassion was created at the start of the pandemic and even food that doesn’t make it to the kitchen table gets given to pig farmers, helping to tackle the country’s food waste problem.

Here is how they do it:


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