Selling Sex and Drugs in London’s Streets

Lately many cases of sexual and domestic abuse are surfacing maybe because media has become easy to access, all across the globe. And with this it has become quite apparent that it is not just the developing and poor countries where women are not safe. Women, are in fact unsafe everywhere. 

Sex and drugs are being sold in the streets of London like any regular commodity. It has become a very profitable industry now. And the customers are mostly from what Karl Marx called it, the BOURGEOIS class. Some are famous football players, some are politicians and some are big business tycoons. 

A story covered by Lucy Watson and Tam Hussein, both working in the field of media, decided to expose this side of their society when Tam was one night randomly offered cocaine and chicks on the street by a guy. According to them, sex workers in London are not something out of ordinary, but what made this story, a story, was the fact that these women are forced to do this filthy task, without their consent. 

These women are trained in Romania, until they reach the age of 18, after which they are sold in western countries. They are made to believe that they’ll be provided with a good job once they move to these big countries and cities. They are unfortunately conditioned this way. 

The trafficker also holds them to work as a sex worker under debt bondage. This debt is for anything that the trafficker has spent on these women, for instance their air ticket. All the cost that the trafficker spends on them, has an interest rate as well. And eventually it becomes more than impossible for the girl to pay that debt. 

The traffickers have many ways to threaten these girls so that they can keep on working for them, for instance, they may threaten them with their family members. And unfortunately the girl is left with no choice, but to stay. 

There are ten to fifteen girls who are kept in a flat, and then the sex buyer gets to choose from among these girls. Yes, this dehumanising act is actually taking place in areas one cannot even imagine. These buyers pay around 300 pounds per hour, to buy what they call pleasure. 

The men who come to these brothels are usually drunk, and when they are paying 300 pounds per hour, they are also offered free drugs, to keep them there for days, without even realising, and losing thousands of pounds in the end. 

Most of these women, held in these brothels are from Romania originally. Romanian women are exploited and promised a better future in big countries, big cities, and they end up working in an industry that drains these women of all that they have in return for disrespect and humiliation. The worst part is, that these women after realising what has been done to them, cannot even go back, because now they are trapped in a network so complex, that getting out of it, is actually out of question. 


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