Rosie Gabriel Shares The Ups and Downs of Her Love Story

Famous Canadian Vlogger, Rosie Gabriel, recently tied the knot with his Pakistani boyfriend Adeel Amer. The Vlogger shared the news on Instagram with a moving note, detailing the journey from being companions to life partners.

Adeel, a Pakistani traveler, and Rosia a Canadian travel Vlogger had never met before she came to Pakistan as a tourist. The content creator said she soon fell in love with the country, and with its beautiful people, especially Adeel.

Despite having converted to Islam in January this year, Gabriel stated the decision to marry Adeel was never easy and that she had almost lost hope in this relationship due to racial and cultural differences between the two.

It hasn’t been easy since the beginning. There was a time I almost gave up on our relationship because I knew we were from completely different backgrounds & gave up hope of it ever working.

Rosie reflected on how the marriage of a Pakistani guy with a foreigner involves trials and challenges, and how most people give up chasing their dream partners in fear of rejection from family and society. But, Gabriel said she was ready to take the risk for the love of her life.

We took that leap of faith, & believed our love was worth fighting for, no matter what the cost. I knew that every challenge was an opportunity for practice of unconditional love and forgiveness, and that love would ultimately prevail.

Rosie recalls how a divine intervention barred her from losing hope and in that moment she realized how everything, even the struggles, were perfectly planned.

And at that moment I knew, he was the one I waited my whole life for, & nothing could stop us. The moment I walked down the aisle & saw my love standing there with his whole family prepared to receive me; there was a release. Healing.

She described her marriage with Adeel as ‘a union of not only two souls, but two nations into one being.’

“We are citizens of the earth, not society. And it is LOVE that connects each & every one of us. The same love that runs through our blood that has prejudice to culture, color, race, or social status.”

She describes the feeling of being loved and accepted by a culture, family, and community as ‘The most beautiful feeling and said she was ‘eternally grateful for all the love and support she has received.


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