RAW Suspected Behind the Murder of BSF Leader Karima Baloch

Karima Marri aka Karima Baloch, often touted as human rights activist by RAW-backed elements was mysteriously found dead at her residence in Toronto, Canada on Monday. Within hours, the news became the top trend on Twitter, where many credible personalities blamed it on the Indian spy agency, RAW.

Karima Baloch – An Anti-Pakistan Pawn

Karima Marri and her well-wishers have always projected her as a human rights activist and a brave voice against missing persons. However, she had been used by anti-Pakistan forces as a soft image for the anti-Pakistan and anti-Army campaigns. Karima was the head of the Balochistan Students Federation (BSF) – an organization responsible for brainwashing recruiting innocent Baloch students for the banned militant outfit Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA). This is the same organization Indian spy Kulbhushan had admitted to having funded in his confession statement. She had been the face of Mama Qadir’s fraud sit-ins and protests against forced disappearances. In reality, most of those on the missing persons’ list had either joined BLA or other militant organizations against Pak Army or had been killed by the militants during their gorilla activities over the last decade or so.

Karima’s Hate for Pakistan

The deceased, who claimed to be a peaceful activist, has often publically made anti-Pakistan and anti-Army campaign. In a video, she introduced herself as a sister to Indian premier Modi and asked him to support her organization (BSF) in the fight against Pakistan Army against ‘forced disappearance.’

Karima Baloch’s RAW Connections

Later, when she moved to Canada, she had joined AFRACA NGO as a spokesperson – an organization created by Ankit Srivastava. Ankit is the founder of Srivastava Group that masterminded all anti-Pakistan and anti-China propaganda exposed by the EU-backed Disinfo Lab. She was also featured in the EU Disinformation Lab report that revealed how Canadian land is being used by fake asylum seekers who in reality are Indian-funded Human Rights activists. The Disinfor Lab report exposed her as RAW’s facilitator. She is mentioned as number 74 in the footer. The paragraph citing 74 says: The full report can be downloaded from here: https://www.disinfo.eu/publications/indian-chronicles-deep-dive-into-a-15-year-operation-targeting-the-eu-and-un-to-serve-indian-interests

The Threat

Ever since she lost her credibility after being exposed by the Disinfo Lab report, Karima had reportedly been receiving threats from the Indian intelligence officials. One of her close friend, Miss Elli Bergova (Identity hidden for security purpose) told a Canada-based news outlet, Pakistanpk.net:

 “While Karima lost her credibility after getting mentioned in this report, she had been receiving a lot of threats from senior Indian intelligence officials who said that she was of no use after the recent exposure and if she speaks in any way to any media exposing the NGO, she might suffer consequences. Karima had been considering speaking up after the EU Disinfo Lab report but she was hesitant due to the perceived threats. It seems like a clandestine operation to silence those who lost their voice after Srivastava group and their affiliate links stood exposed.”

Several credible journalists and defense analysts have also expressed similar concerns on Twitter:


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