Momina Moin – Writer
In 1886, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, encouraged and tried to convince the muslims of the subcontinent to acquire modern scientific education, in order to progress and to compete in an environment which was not very favourable for them. He was encountered with severe criticism and resistance from religious factions of the society, and also from status quo oriented right wing of the muslim community. 135 years later, we are still occupied with wrangles over curriculum content.
Islam has always been used as an instrument in Pakistan, by various actors. Usually non-issues are kept in the limelight, so that real issues remain under the ground. Similarly, curriculum of biology books of Pakistan is creating trouble for some pious members of the society since a very long time.
The chapter on reproduction of human beings, is considered to be contaminating the innocent minds of children. Therefore, parents are notified that they should buy books that have ‘Pakistan Edition’ written on them. Somehow, the process of reproduction is censored in this version of the book, hence it is appropriate for Pakistani students. Of course, children in Pakistan are given so much protection, how can they be allowed to read such content?
I think we are beyond that time where we can hide from children as to how they came into this world. And by the way, what is so wrong with the process anyway? Why is it so important to conceal bare facts related to child birth, from children? Being a student of science, living in an age where scientific knowledge is more important than it ever was, children need to learn everything that is important for their educational growth.
I do not understand, if children can learn about digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, if they can study each and every organ in detail, if they can study how the food they eat leaves their body, I think they deserve to study how they left the body of their mother and became a part of this universe.
And if it was so unethical to study these topics and teach them to children, then why Allah in the very first Ayah which He revealed to the Holy Prophet mentioned how God created a Human? Why didn’t Allah censor His book? Children are supposed to read Quran from a very early age, then why didn’t Allah childproof His Divine book?
Want to protect children so badly? Protect them from child labor, protect them from child sexual abuse, protect them from malnutrition, protect them from child molesters, protect them in real terms.
In my opinion, if children are allowed and given access to smart phones, tablets and internet, where everything is just a click away, they should be allowed to learn about reproduction through an appropriate channel, through their books and through certified teachers. You think removing or modifying a chapter from science book can prevent adulteration of your child’s mind? Okay then, best of luck, and more power to PAKISTAN EDITION.
Great article .Really appreciate the use of Quranic injunctions to convey the point that we should not shy away from having conversations about certain topics that are considered taboo in our society.
Meticulously written by the writer. Hundred percent agreed!
What’s the use of hiding natural processes from your children, especially when they’re going to find it anyway from the cyber world?