Over A Quarter of Women In Parts of India Face Domestic Violence

Over 25 percent of women surveyed in seven states of India revealed to have been subject to domestic violence, data released in the first phase of the National Family Health Survey indicates.

The number of women in nine states increased who had experienced sexual abuse as a child, with Karnataka showing an alarming rise in spousal violence.

According to the data, the number of spousal violence in Karnataka, even before the pandemic, had doubled from 20.6 percent to 44 percent in five years. Bihar stood second, where 40% of women reported being a victim of spousal violence. The figure has come down from 43.7% in 2015-’16.

Over a quarter of the women questioned had faced physical or sexual violence in seven of the 22 states.

The National Family Health Survey is a nationally representative household survey covering over 400,000 households. Questions pertaining to marriage, fertility, vaccinations, and health status, etc., are being asked. The first edition of the survey conducted before the COVID-19 indicates a disproportionate impact on women in terms of gender-based violence and employment.

The trends depicted in the first phase of the survey have raised concerns that the country’s gains with respect to women and children’s health and wellbeing could be reversed when the entire data is out.

Declining Sex Ratios

As per data, eight states and union territories recorded a slump in the sex ratio – the number of females for every 1,000 males. Gujarat reported the lowest ratio, with 965 females per 1,000 males.

Out of the 17 states surveyed for phase-I of the National Family Health Survey 2019-20, Goa reported the worst sex ratio at birth over the past five years – with just 838 females for every 1,000 males – a decline from 966 in 2015-16.

The sex ratio at birth in Bihar reduced from 934 in 2015-16 to 908, while the sex ratio for the state’s overall population went up marginally from 1,062 to 1,090.

Kerala, Meghalaya showed a decline in the sex ratio compared to their data in n 2015-16.


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