Meet The Women Behind The Beautification Of Gaddafi Stadium

Every cricket lover in the country must be aware of the name of Gaddafi stadium (also known as the Qaddafi stadium), the famous cricket ground in Lahore which hosted the World Cup 1996 final, and numerous other international cricket matches.

Named after the former Libyan ruler, Muammar Gaddafi, the stadium is one of the largest and most beautiful cricket fields in the country, designed by architect and civil engineer Nasreddin Murat-Khan, and constructed by Mian Abdul Khaliq and Company in 1959.

While the internet offers so much about its engineers and designer, little does it mention the people who make their days and night count to keep the stadium as it looks on the TV screens.

This article is dedicated to the members of the team that is responsible for the beautification of the stadium.

Najma and Tehseen are part of the team that takes care of the entire stadium. Be it the cleaning of the stands, taking care of the turf, and keeping it lush green is their responsibility.

With Pakistan Super League (PSL) approaching, their work and the duration of the job will get even more challenging and tiring. Despite all their efforts, they don’t get the appreciation and affection they deserve.

The two ladies are as important as the pitch curator or any other ground staffer and deserve our due respect for what they do on the field.

There is no shame in hard work even if it is the cleaning and should be called with a respectable lexicon. In fact, cleaning jobs have their own significance given that Islam proffers importance to cleanliness.

This is high time we understand this and start respecting them and make them feel better with the choices of vocabs. This is the least we could do for our unsung heroes.


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