Meet Faisalabad’s First Female Mobile Repair Technician

A woman in Faisalabad became the first female to open a mobile repair shop. The 20-year-old Sana began this venture as a means to pay for her education.

During an interview with a private news channel, the young woman said she dreams of further education but didn’t want to burden her parents with the cost.

“I want to get all expenses for my education from this shop. So that I’m not a burden on my parent.”

Sana undertook a three-month course in mobile repairs, which is how she has the capability to run her own shop. She shared how hard she worked to learn.  Now she can handle anything from basic repairs like drying a phone that’s been soaked to more complex repairs like replacing the touch screen panel of a smartphone.

This business venture will remain her nest egg even after she’s paid for her education. Sana shared that she plans to expand her shop, as well as train and hire more women.

The presence of a female professional has women lining up at her shop. Her customers feel at ease relying on her without fear of a data breach. Women are wary of seeking help from male mobile technicians given the precedent of men using personal information to coerce, harass, and blackmail women.

Young women like Sana are paving the way for more female members of the workforce like herself in Faisalabad.

Here is the. link to her full interview:


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