Loyalty, Commitment and Love, Three Keys To Unlock The Secret To Healthy Relations-Story of USA’s Former President

Jimmy Carter, the former US President, is best known for his foreign policy decision of negotiating peace between Israel and Egypt through one of the world’s most historic agreement, the Camp David Accord. He is also famous for his efforts to find peaceful solutions to various international conflicts and promoting democratic principles as well as emphasised on the observance of basic human rights. For these untiring efforts he was also awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. 

Now in his personal life, he proved to be no less hero. Life of people who carry huge responsibilities, like being the president of a superpower, on their shoulders, is not very stable. There are regular ups and downs. And a partner who is ready to be completely with you through your thick and thin, is all a person needs. Therefore, one can say Rosalynn and Jimmy were lucky to have found each other. 

2 days after today, on 7th July, the Carters will be celebrating 75 years of togetherness, which is the longest in presidential history of USA. Virtually they have known each other ever since they were born. Their love story bloomed when the world was engaged in bloody war, and they together faced the upheavals of political life which was to follow. 

Not only did she support him throughout his presidentship, but she also busied herself into various activities like attending the Cabinet meetings, working on mental health and other policy priorities, established her Office of the first lady, and no doubt she managed to become one of the most prominent first lady in the history of USA, which Jimmy Carter also had something to do with. Yes, he considered her as an equal, and supported her through everything.

They swayed together in their journey from a peanut warehouse in Georgia to White house and then back to their hometown where they are making lovely memories in the last years of their life.

According to Jimmy Carter initial years of their marriage were like all other typical marriages where husband is the boss and take cares of everything outside house, and Rosalynn was supposed to look after what they called home.

He told media that it was one time when he asked Rosalynn to pack his suit case for the upcoming campaign, and she replied by saying Do it yourself, he questioned his attitude. After which he realised that key to a good relation is to consider your wife as an equal partner and after that he said ‘there was no part of our business, personal or political lives that we haven’t shared on a relatively equal basis’ 

Their advice on how to sustain a healthy and lengthy relationship is simple. They avoid going to bed while they are angry. Yes, in order to sleep well, settle all that is bothering you about each other before sleeping. In addition to that find some shared interests, focus less on differences and create moments of shared happiness. They found what makes them both happy like skiing, bird watching and fishing.

They found their joint happiness in activities they both enjoyed. And one thing that the former president said sums it all up. He said ‘we share everything’ 

Falling in love is easy, remaining in love is what makes the difference.


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