Israeli Soldiers attack an Unarmed Teen Age Girl-Wake Up, there’s a Humanitarian Crisis going on

How many times in history have you all seen USA being involved in a war outside of it’s own territory, on the basis of humanitarian crisis? The answer tends to be ‘many times’. Let us all recall, events of the past to see how things have worked throughout history. Why did USA got herself involved in Panama in early 1900s, on the basis of preventing humanitarian crimes being committed by the Government of Panama against her own citizens? Well, the answer lies in the immediate construction of Panama Canal after the crisis was over. In many cases USA, instead of being involved directly, has pressurised and utilised the platform of UN to carry out the task. Why UN forces were so eager to take action against the forces of North Korea in early 1950s? Was that done to save humanity or to save capitalism against communism? Surely, capitalism was saved! Nato forces have been residing in Afghanistan for decades. They are being funded by all the major powers, especially USA. For what? To save humanity? To save the people of Afghanistan from terrorists? Or for the natural resources, oil and the significant geostrategic location of the country? Was USA involved in Iraq because Iraq was a threat to the world, in Syria because the government of Syria was carrying out human rights violations in the country, or it was the middle eastern oil? In a nutshell, USA has been involved in various conflicts all around the world, either directly or through world agencies, has used force, has used her weapons and armies, claiming her involvement to be on the basis of human rights issues.

 Then why, the world cannot see these human rights violations going on in Palestine since decades? Why UN forces cannot be sent to Palestine? Why US army cannot defend the people of Palestine against these inhumane crimes of Israeli forces? Why the world is silent, as if theres nothing wrong with it? 

The world has been connected because of mass media, and especially social media. The video of a teen age girl, named Jana Al Kiswani being shot from the back, by Israeli soldiers went viral recently. According to other members of her family, she was in her house when she got shot by a rubber bullet, and is now suffering from a serious spine injury as a result of that attack. The video was filmed by one of Kiswani’s neighbours. How dangerous are the enemies of Israel, this little girl was a threat to the Israeli soldiers, may be that is why they shot her while she was making tea for her father inside her home. After they shot her once, screams of the little girl can be heard in the video, but this did not stop them from shooting her again in the same spot. 

The incident took place in the area which is now considered to be the heart of the conflict, i.e Sheikh Jarrah. The purpose behind such acts is to move these families, residing in this place, from their homes, to be occupied by Israelis. Talking about tensions being raised in Sheikh Jarrah, Israeli Foreign Minister responded with a statement that it is merely an issue of real estate, and is being taken care of by the Israel’s Supreme Court. 

What else has to be done, to wake up the world against these war crimes? How many Jana Al Kiswani, the world needs to be shot before they can take an action against Israel? The world is expecting more from United Nations, than just symbolic ceasefires. The children of Palestine are looking up to the nations of the world, and UN, to help them end this brutal and inhumane conflict, before it’s too late. 



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