How Covid-19 Impacts Travelling

Travelling has turned out to be the major casualty of Covid-19. The travelling costs have increased due to PCR test that has been made compulsory in order to travel across borders. Besides that, many countries require the traveller to spend some prescribed time in quarantine upon entering the country which naturally increases the cost of travelling. 

Countries have been classified into green, amber and red list, and for each of these there are different rules and regulations regarding quarantine and tests. Countries which are placed in the red list are considered to be the most vulnerable countries, where the risk and rate of Covid Cases is comparatively very high. 

Travelling might become easier or one must say possible only for those who have got themselves vaccinated as per the rules. The UK government is looking forward to remove the condition of quarantine for the individuals who are vaccinated. Therefore it is an obvious anticipation that those who have got their shots, will be welcomed everywhere. The UK government has made certain rules for each category of countries. If people are returning from a country, may it be red, amber or green list state, they will have to go through some established SOPs. 

The Green List 

The green list includes a very few countries like Israel, Singapore and Iceland. If you’re coming back from a green list country, you must get your Covid test done before departure. Upon getting your negative test results, you will be allowed to travel and two days after you have arrived, another Covid test is required. Returning from green list countries require no quarantine if the test conducted two days after arrival is also negative. 

The Amber List 

Coming to the amber list of countries, these countries also follow a set of rules for making travelling secure. Maximum number of the countries are in this group. Returning back from these countries also requires a Covid Test before departure, and another test two days after arrival (in case of negative departure test), as well as an additional test 8 days after arrival. Returning from these countries also requires a quarantine of 10 days after arrival. 

The Red List

Red list countries as mentioned before, are the countries that are at the highest risk from the pandemic, and these countries include countries like India, Pakistan and South Africa. Returning from these countries also requires a Covid test before departure and 10 days quarantine in a hotel as designated by the government. 

Similarly all the countries have specified certain rules and regulations for having travellers within their territory. News of flights being banned and flights being opened is the most common news these days. Travel bans, increased cost of travelling and conditions attached to travelling have caused a negative impact for the tourism industry. 

Patterns of travelling have changed, the fault lines of the already divided world are getting more prominent in terms of travelling rules which countries have adopted for their fellow countries. People belonging to poor third world countries, already more vulnerable in terms of being affected by the disease are also more affected by travel bans and the rules. The war over the authenticity of vaccine is a story in itself that requires due attention. 


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