How Abraham Accords Validated Israel’s Barbarism Against Palestine

As the unrest in Israel-occupied lands enters its second week, Israeli violence in Gaza has sparked international condemnation. Palestinian death toll in Gaza has climbed to 212, including 61 children and 36 women while Israel claims to have a senior Islamic Jihad military commander Hussam Abu Harbeed killed.

Many leaders from both Islamic and non-Islamic countries have expressed their concern over the ongoing atrocities against Palestinians and a 193-member UNGA is set to meet on Thursday to address the grave situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

This recent cascade of events puts signatories to the Abraham Accords in an unprecedented predicament. Last year, The Abraham Accords, a joint statement for normalization of ties along with full diplomatic relations was reached between Israel, UAE, the US, and Bahrain.

The signatories defended the normalization of ties with Israel and had claimed to gain leverage over Israel through the US-backed agreement. The relentless Israeli bombing on Gaza, however, has proved that has not been the case.

In reality, The Abraham Accords have deprived the stateless Palestinians of the only card they had for many years. The survival of the Palestinian state was based on the Arab consensus of normalizing relations with Israel only after the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1949-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Today, however, this Arab consensus seems to be going down the drain after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco have newly formalized diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. The blood of innocent Palestinians says it loud and clear that Abraham Accords has only emboldened the Jewish State.

No amount of condemnation can neutralize the damage done by the Accords as the Israeli government no longer needs to grant any concessions to the Palestinians for its diplomatic integration into the greater Middle East.

It can be concluded The Zionists have exploited the willingness of Arab governments to bury, rather than resolve the Palestinian issue.

Abu Dhabi finds itself in a perplexing situation it has neither completely sided with Israeli actions against Palestinians in Jerusalem and Gaza or with Hamas nor recognizes it as a terrorist organization. On one hand, UAE is content with Hamas suffering from Israeli strikes while on the other hand, it is calling on the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In short, Abu Dhabi wants to maintain its partnership with Israel, see Hamas become weaker, and not be seen as siding against the Palestinian people while a majority of the UAE population sides with Palestine.

The battleground of Palestine is a test of Abraham Accords and experts believe the ongoing events in Palestine might not result in the Abraham Accords being frozen but it does not render them necessarily irreversible either.


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