Health Protectors need Protection of Police, But Who Will Protect the Police? Tragic Incident in Mardan KPK

Vaccinations have always met resistance in Pakistan, especially in backward and remote areas. Several conspiracy theories have been associated with polio vaccines in the past, and they are still valid in some parts of the country. Polio, which has become a lost and obsolete disease in other countries, is still a considerable problem in Pakistan. 

Polio vaccine workers, especially female health workers have always faced criticism and have remained the recipients of condemnation. In some areas, the resistance against these vaccines and health workers is so extreme, that they require physical protection. Police personnels are assigned for the security of these workers, who are just guilty of protecting children from an unpleasant sickness. 

A dreadful incident took place in Mardan, in which two gunmen who were riding a bike targeted two police officials who were deputed for the security of polio vaccination workers. 

The attackers managed to escape whereas the police officials died there and then. These attacks are a common practice, owing to the assumption held by majority of the people, that these vaccines are some sort of western conspiracy. And this belief was further reinforced after the story of fake hepatitis vaccination campaign was brought to surface during the investigation of the case of Osama Bin Laden who was captured and killed in a compound in Abottabad. 

Serious steps should be taken for the awareness against this disease and people should be educated in this regard. Pakistan along with Afghanistan is the only country where polio is still prevalent. 147 cases of polio were reported last year. This year, as for now only 1 case has been reported, but this does not mean the campaigns should be stopped. Even one case means the problem still exists and needs to be curbed. 

Preventing these incidents of naked terrorism can eventually prevent the spread and growth of polio in Pakistan. 


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