Gear yourself up because long awaited Friends reunion is coming really soon!!

All curse COVID19 that had delayed the premiere of an unscripted special of Friends reunion which was supposed to be aired in May 2020. This special episode will feature the original season cast members including Lisa Kudrow, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, and Matt LeBlanc who had already signed for the long anticipated Friends reunion.

Lisa Kudrow has recently responded to the anxious viewers by saying that prior to the Covid 19 situations; she had shot some parts for the Friends’ reunion episode and some more dates have been given to them in order to complete the filming of the remaining episode. ‘It will happen in early spring’, she said as it was also been said by her former co-star Matthew Perry.

“There are different facets to it, and we already shot packages of things,” Kudrow shared. “I pre-shot something already so we’re definitely doing it, because I already shot a little something.”

What special is being cooked up in the reunion special? Lisa Kudrow revealed it and gave a little sneak peek into the theme.

“It’s not a reboot. It’s not like a scripted thing, we’re not portraying our characters. It’s us getting together, which just doesn’t happen a lot and has never happened in front of other people since 2004 when we stopped.”

An announcement was made in the last November by Matthew Perry, chandler of Friends and favorite of all, when he tweeted that “Friends reunion being rescheduled for the beginning of March,” he wrote. “Looks like we have a busy year coming up. And that’s the way I like it!” but COVID19′ busted all the plans.

But now it’s making has been resumed and the cast is as anxious and excited as the fans are for this reunion special to come out. According to the recent update, Friends reunion will be released on HBO Max around mid-2021.



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