FIA Warns WhatsApp Can Be Used to ‘Blackmail’ You

The Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Cyber Crime Wing has warned WhatsApp users that this app could be used to blackmail them.

The Cyber Crime Wing issued this warning in a tweet on Wednesday, saying that their WhatsApp chats can be retrieved even after they were deleted.

“Be aware, be safe.

Messages sent through WhatsApp can be recovered using some applications even after deleting. Those messages could be used against you for blackmailing. Avoid sending messages that you will want to delete later,” the FIA cautioned the messaging app’s users.

The information came on the backdrop of ever increasing blackmailing cases in the country. Just last month, a religous teacher was arrested in Karachi for blackmailing his minor student and her family with her personal pictures.

The FIA’s Cyber Crime Circle conducted a successful raid in Gulshan-e-Iqbal and arrested the suspect.


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