Environment Can Save Itself: Joe Biden Falls Asleep During Climate Change Summit

United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) of 2021 radiated the energy of Grandpa’s day out when US President Joe Biden fell asleep during the Glasgow summit. Both the critiques and supporters of the 78-year-old American president are confused about what to make of it.

On Monday, a reporter from The Washington Post, posted a video of the president trying hard to stay awake but eventually dozing off during the opening speeches of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

Interestingly, Biden falls asleep at the exact moment when the presenter states that “this conference is the most important meeting in history.” That’s when he closes his eyes for about 20 seconds before he is shaken awake by one of his aides.

Just like a high school student caught off-guard, Biden starts pretending to be paying attention by shaking his head in agreement. To top off his act, the most powerful leader in the world joins the bandwagon of slow clap at the end of the speech.

Though not for the right reasons, the climate change summit became an instant hit as Biden’s viral video was viewed more than 4.6 million times. “America is in crisis, and Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel,” House Republicans said in a tweet.

Earlier, in a speech to the Environment Conference, US President Joe Biden said that the United States would meet its climate goals and provide assistance to developing countries. Biden also apologized for Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement during his speech.

Perhaps the only thing he forgot to mention was his jet-lagged state after meeting with Group of 20 leaders in Rome. Afterall, nobody has true enthusiasm and intentions to save the only planet capable of sustaining life.

Apart from the optics of the moment, there still lies a silver lining. Joe was there to save the planet by cutting off energy consumption, and what better way to save energy than a siesta right during the climate colloquium.


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