Dubai’s Deputy Police Chief Conducts Poll on Giving Balochs Missiles

The realm of international politics is an ever-transforming phenomenon. With regards to Pakistan, one factor is constant that the country seeks to have cordial relations with the Gulf countries.

Although the relations between Pakistan and major actors of Gulf politics witness vicissitudes, they usually end up being friendly. However, we get to see some controversial and intrusive remarks from a few officials of these countries. One such official is the ex-Dubai police chief, Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, who is now serving as a Lieutenant General as well as Deputy Chief of Police and General Security.

Tamim usually makes the news (sometimes internationally) for all the wrong reasons. He has a repute for supporting and promoting the anti-Pakistan narrative. This time, he has done it again by conducting a Twitter poll on whether the people of Balochistan should be given missiles to defend themselves.

The fact that a police officer of a metropolitan city is forming an opinion on a country’s internal matter and that too with an outrageous proposition is just unacceptable. Not only that the debate lies far beyond his paygrade, but this also amounts to encouraging militancy and terrorism in the country.

While his own country has limited the use of even social media, his idea of giving missiles to civilians is plain hypocritical. Neither does he hold any significant position to give an opinion on international issues nor has he any authority even to make such remarks. The Emirates should be questioning the official for transgressing his professional boundaries. Regardless of how Pakistan is doing economically, the Gulf States including the UAE need Pakistan. We have supported the Emirates in many ways, including the provision of strategic and military training and advisors. These acts can just impact the ties between two countries, as they are not productive nor have the capacity to actually do something.


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