CHINA-The Most Promising Global Market and Regional Power of the Future Needs To Upgrade Her Moral Standards

Amnesty International used the term of “dystopian Hellscape” for China’s Xinjiang region, in its most recent report. This region of China is characterised by state sponsored torture and oppression. Majority of the population residing in this part of the country are uighur muslims. These unfortunate people are subject to organised mistreatment backed by the Chinese government. 

The report states that the minority groups present in this region are forced to let go of their culture, their language and their religion. These people are kept in detention centres where they have to go through torture every day, just because they are considered to be guilty of being a minority. 

Some erstwhile detainees from the detention centres, gave their insight and shared their experience with Amnesty, about how they were treated in these concentration camps. 

Sexual and physical abuse is a normal practice in these camps. In an interview with BBC , a women named Tursunay Ziawudun, who was also an ex detainee in one of the China’s internment camps, unfolded some facts which are hard to absorb. According to her women were removed from the cells every night and were raped by some Chinese man and later were made subject to gang rape. 

Another Kazakh woman told BBC in an interview that she had been detained in the camp for 18 months, and during these 18 months she was forced to carry the task of stripping uighur women naked, after which she was supposed to handcuff them and then leave them alone with Chinese men.  

Constant brainwashing is carried out in these camps to ensure that Chinese ideology remains unchallenged. The sole purpose is to make certain that Chinese beliefs, Chinese ideology, Chinese cultural traditions are replaced by everything otherwise.

 Recently China has also been accused of sterilising Uighur women to guarantee a significant decrease in the Uighur population. 

The detainees told Amnesty that people who are sent to these camps and prisons have not committed any crime that could be considered a violation of law. Rather they are merely culpable of let’s say possessing a religious object or just having connections with someone living outside of China. 

Torturous activities in these camps include electric shocks, not providing people with water or not allowing them to sleep, or getting them exposed to extreme weather conditions. A detainee lost his life because he was required to be restrained in a tiger chair for 72 hours straight, during which he was not allowed to use rest room, therefore, had to urinate and defecate on himself. 

For how long the minorities of the world have to suffer from this discrimination and torture? How long will it take for the global community and world leaders to rise from their slumber? 

It’s high time international community should wake up and put a stop to the atrocities that are being committed against the minorities in all parts of the world. China, in a time when it is believed to be the most promising market in the world and as well as an emerging regional power, should also focus on upgrading her moral standards. 


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