Britney Spears Is Finally Free From Her Father’s ‘Cruel’ Guardianship

A Los Angeles court has ordered the father of singer Britney Spears to end his controversial conservatorship of his daughter. A hearing is expected to liquidate Jamie’s legal control over Britney’s life before the end of this year.

Dozens of supporters of the pop singer gathered outside the Los Angeles courtroom before the hearing. A “Free Britney” campaign was launched on social media in support of her. Matthew Rosengart, Britney Spears’ lawyer, represented her in the court to end her father’s patronage.

“Every day he spent with Britney as a guardian, every day and every hour he hurt his daughter,” the petition by Britney’s lawyer said.

The pop singer’s father had been controlling her life and money for the past 13 years after Britney ended up in hospital after a breakdown in 2008. The 39-year-old American singer described her father’s role as “abusive” under the controversial legal system and called for an end to it through her lawyers.

In 2019, James Spears had given up control over Britney’s personal life decisions, while still maintaining his role as conservator of her estate and her finances.

After another 2 years of proceedings, the court finally ended the singer’s long and bitter legal battle on Wednesday. Judge Brenda Penny suspended Jamie Spears’ immediately and replaced him by a temporary conservator in the singer’s ‘best interests.’

“Mr Jamie Spears is ordered to change all the assets of the conservatorship,” the judge said.

A New York Times documentary has also alleged that Jamie Spears had installed secretly surveillance devices in his daughter’s bedroom to record her conversations. A former employee of a security firm told the makers of the documentary “Controlling Britney Spears” that it looked like Britney was in prison.

The pop star’s lawyers said that the allegation of the New York Times proved that Jamie Spears made horrific and incomprehensible attacks on her adult daughter’s privacy.

Jamie Spears, on the other hand, denies bugging his daughter for any illegal surveillance. Jamie has also objected to her daughter’s choice of a new caretaker conservator in his place, saying public figure John Zabel lacks the necessary experience.


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