Associated Press Fires A Jewish Journalist For Revealing Truth About Palestine

The renowned international news agency, Associated Press (AP) has fired a Jewish journalist over pro-Palestinian tweets.

Emily Wilder called out how acknowledging Israel but not addressing Palestine indicates a media bias. She highlighted how defining the Palestinian conflict as war while omitting ‘occupation and siege’ are deliberate choices.

The journalist was sacked for exercising her freedom of speech to tell a truth. However, this move was a long time coming. Personally identifying as Jewish herself, she’s part of the human rights advocacy group ‘Jewish Voices for Peace’, a group openly supporting the Palestinian cause. When she was hired at AP, the Stanford College Republican group objected to her being hired dubbing her an ‘anti-Jewish agitator’.

Eventually AP fired her, citing ‘violations of their social media policy. Emily called this the outlet ‘folding to cheap bullying’. She started soon afterward conservative public figures hounded her online.

Yet she asserted this will not discourage her from activism or shush her.

“I will not be intimidated into silence. I will be back soon.”

Update: Te Turkish state channel, TRT World has hired Emily Wilder following the AP debacle.


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