Asian Accused of Shooting His 6-Year-Old Neighbor Released On Bond

An Asian man has been released on bond after allegedly shooting a minor Black boy in the arm. The 6-year-old was shot while trying to retrieve his bike from the neighbour’s front yard.

The 29-years-old Ryan Le-Nguyen shot the black boy as he played outside his home on Candlewood Lane in Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, on Saturday, June 5. The suspect was, however, released last week after a judge gave him $10,000 bond.

According to the details, Coby Daniel was outside riding a bike with his friends down the street when he decided to leave his bike in front of the home of a neighbour.

The neighbor came out with a sledgehammer in his hand when Coby went back to get his bike. After exchanging a few words with the child, the neighbor went back inside and shot a gun through the front window, hitting Coby in the arm.

“He tried hitting me with a sledgehammer but that’s not going to work because I’m too fast. (Then he) got a gun and BOOM shot me right here,” Coby said.

Coby was lucky to avoid a fatal hit but the bullet still went through his arm and he was rushed to the hospital. According to the doctors it likely would have killed Coby if the bullet been an inch in either direction.

Le-Nguyen was arrested and charged with assault with intent to murder. A couple of days after the incident, on Tuesday, Le-Nguyen was released after posting bond and was ordered not to return home.

The prosecutor’s office requested a $100,000 bond but the judge set it at just $10,000. Arnold Daniel, the father of Coby Daniel said he was angry and baffled after the shooter got out only days after his arrest.

“I’m trying to figure out how he got a bond so low for trying to kill my kid,” Daniel said, “that’s not enough and I fear for my family’s safety.”

However, Le-Nguyen was taken back into custody on June 10 and his bond was increased to $100,000 following the public outcry.

“The defendant is no longer free and is already back in custody,” the prosecutor’s office announced on Facebook.

The 6-year-old is currently struggling to recover from the incident and has not been able to sleep on his own since the shooting occurred. The concerned father of the boy said he is setting up an appointment for Coby to meet with a therapist this week to help him process everything that has happened.


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