As Noor Mukadam Awaits Justice Her Rich Brat Murderer Is Making Mockery of Judiciary

It is typical for court cases to drag on for years in Pakistan, but in the Noor Mukadam case, it has turned out to be a mockery of the whole judicial system. Elite and a dual national murderer of Noor has once again refused to sign a power of attorney seeking legal representation despite the court’s orders.

The rich brat insists that he needs a lawyer of his choice. On Wednesday’s hearing, Zahir Jaffer said that Malik Amjad was not his lawyer so he won’t sign the power of attorney. Instead, he wants a lawyer named Babar because he likes him better.

The American-national accused also catcalled a lady lawyer during the proceedings and asked the judge to arrange drinking water for him in the courtroom. The court, as usual, obliged Zahir’s demands and he was provided a bottle of water immediately.

This is not the first time Zahir Jaffer has caused a commotion in the court and tried to interfere in the proceedings. During the previous hearings, Zahir Jaffer hurled direct insults at Additional Sessions, Judge Ata Rabbani.

The high-born accused appeared to be doing scenes for a Bollywood movie when he declared that the court was nothing but filth, which was dragging him because he has no power.

“I have never seen anything more fake than this. I am giving you people a chance to hang me but you are still dragging me. This is all a puppet show. Didn’t see more incompetent people in one room,” Zahir announced.

After Zahir had had his say, the judge directed the police to take Zahir Jaffer out of the courtroom. When police rushed to take Zahir Jaffer, he grabbed Inspector Mustafa Kayani by the collar.

Zahir Jaffer, who beheaded Noor Mukadam after brutally killing her, has also demanded “human rights” on several occasions. He called on US authorities to put pressure on the staff of Adiala Jail Rawalpindi to grant him rights as an American citizen.

Zahir’s mother and accomplice in Noor’s murder Asmat Adamjee have already been granted bail. His industrialist father Zakir Jaffer is using his influence to come out clean while the murderer Zahir Jaffer himself is busy ridiculing the institutions of Pakistan. While the nation awaits justice for Noor, we ask our respected judiciary just one question. “Would Zahir have been allowed such buffoonery if he wasn’t from the gentry class?”


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