A Word With Wonder Woman of Pakistan: Mahoor Shahzad

To become a national champion at any sport takes courage, skill, and a bit of luck, but to retain the title for five consecutive years is a matter of sheer brilliance and mastery of the art. Pakistan’s international Badminton star Mahoor Shahzad has it all: she is talented, hardworking, spirited, and focused – the attributes that have helped her remain the national Badminton champion for five years and counting.

She has been fraying around the edges since she won her first national title in 2014, but got media attention recently after winning her fifth title on the trot – a feat probably no female badminton player has ever achieved. This was what attracted my attention and I, Neelam Aslam, decided to interview the champion.

During the chit chat, Mahoor titled the ‘Wonder Woman’ by her fellow players for her supreme fitness and agility, walked me through the ups and downs of her decade-long career as a professional. Before divulging the details, let’s hear from Mahoor the story behind her nickname: The Wonder Woman.

I moved to Lahore nearly a month before the national championship for training. There, when my male colleague saw me playing, they knew I was in a different league as compared to my fellow female players. And when beat them “by miles” in a 5000-meter race, they gave me the title of “The Wonder Woman” for my fitness level.

To a question regarding the secret of consistency in her performances, she said:

I think I’m the only female Badminton player who has targeted the international level for training and fitness. I have set the standard bar very high for myself and I train accordingly. Therefore, the national level tournaments become a walk in the park. Not only have I won those matches, I have beaten my opponents with significant margins.


When asked about the government’s role in the promotion and sponsorships of badminton players, she said that not a single official from Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) even congratulated her for consequent wins, let alone offering sponsorships for international championships.

Mahoor, however, acknowledged that the Pakistan Badminton Federation (PBF) supports them to every extent it could, but sometimes it isn’t sufficient enough to pay for the expenditures of international tours. She noted that instead of supporting talent like her, the government has stopped the grants of the PBF, hampering its efforts to promote the game in the country

When asked about the government’s role in the promotion and sponsorships of badminton players, she said that not a single official from Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) even congratulated her for consequent wins, let alone offering sponsorships for international championships.

The Wonder Woman had also participated in the FZ Forza Bulgarian International Championship 2019 on her own finances and had stood third in the event.

Mahoor, however, acknowledged that the Pakistan Badminton Federation (PBF) supports them to every extent it could, but sometimes it isn’t sufficient enough to pay for the expenditures of international tours. She noted that instead of supporting talent like her, the government has stopped the grants of the PBF, hampering its efforts to promote the game in the country.

The champion lady has represented Pakistan in numerous international tournaments. She has been a consistent part of Pakistan’s contingent for the South Asian Games since 2014, besides, having represented Pakistan in the Commonwealth Games in 2018.

When asked what’s the biggest stumbling block in her professional career, Mahoor pointed out the lack of training facilities and badminton courts in Karachi.

Due to the lack of facilities, Mahoor mostly relies on self-coaching and takes her father’s help, who is her first coach, to analyze her weaknesses in the game by watching the recordings of her match later on.

There is no international-level badminton academy anywhere in Pakistan, due to which we fail to produce the players of the highest standards.




In her suggestion for the young generation, Mahoor stressed the need for outdoor activities along with studies and other curricular activities.

Her aim now is to make it into the top 100s in the international rankings that will help her qualify for the Olympics 2021. Our love, support, and prayers are with Mahoor.

Watch Mahoor’s detailed interview on my YouTube channel:




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