A Look Into Taliban’s Afghanistan: First News Conference In Kabul

Taliban’s swift takeover of government in Afghanistan has taken the whole world by surprise. The notoriety of their previous rule, 20 years of war with the US and subsequent rise to power has raised many questions.

Analysts and Human Rights Activists across the world are concerned regarding the future of people especially women in Afghanistan.

Taliban held its first official news conference in Kabul yesterday. While it is too early to analyze its neonatal government, so far Taliban has adopted a friendly and soft policy. Here is a look into Afghanistan’s future based on their first official press briefing.

1. Everyone is forgiven

Taliban has declared amnesty for everyone as the biggest concern related to its regain of power was vengeance. Foreigners and activists who supported the US during the war were scared for their lives.

2. Women’s Rights within the norms of Islamic law

During the Taliban’s previous rule, women were not allowed to step outside alone, go to educational institutes or earn a living. This time, the Taliban has not only vowed to give them the right to education and working but also decided to make women a part of the government.

3. Private media to remain independent

Taliban has decided to let media forums operation in Afghanistan although they are instructed to abide by national interests. Women journalists will also continue performing their jobs as before.

4. No shelter for anyone targeting other nations

Taliban has announced that Afghanistan will no longer allow its soil to be used against other nations. Afghanistan is not a sanctuary for terrorist elements anymore.

5. Narcotics-free country

Taliban government has announced to make Afghanistan a Narcotics-free country and punish those involved in the business.

6. Friendly Relations with International Community

Taliban has expressed its desire to develop friendly relations with all nations including the US. It is also providing security to foreign diplomats, consulates, UN offices and religious minorities present in the country.


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