8 Signs That You Are Associated with A Narcissist

Who is a narcissist? First of all, a narcissist is too difficult to be identified, by the time one realises that they have been surrounded by a narcissistic relation, the damage has already been done. But, it’s never too late to escape from this toxic relation that is draining your energy in every possible way. 

Narcissism is more like a disease, but the person afflicted with this sickness is unaware of the damage he/she is causing to themselves and more importantly to others. In formal terminology this issue is referred to as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). This story highlights some signs, through which one can easily identify a narcissist. 

1. Excessive sense of self-importance 

Yes, a narcissist believes that no one is more important than them, in their surroundings. This leads to a desire for constant attention and a need to be constantly admired. In a group of people, where opinions and suggestions are being heard and evaluated, a narcissist is always right. 

2. Think very highly of themselves 

Narcissists believe themselves to be perfect in every way, they are preoccupied with thoughts which portray them as perfect in every aspect, may it be their financial status, their intellectual status or their appearance. And this makes them believe that they deserve to be around people who are as flawless as them. 

3. Their conversations revolve around themselves 

Conversation with a narcissist not only makes you learn a lot about them, but you also learn how great they are. Yes! Narcissists love to talk about themselves, and glorify their achievements. They are the heroes in every story they tell you. They are not interested in you, or what you want to talk about, but if you have to say something which pleases their ears, well then you can speak. 

4. Empathy? No 

In plain and simple words a narcissist lack empathy, i.e they are very much insensitive about how others around them feel. They prioritise their own emotions at the expense of others. Tell them you’re sad, depressed or upset, they will snub you right away. 

5. No long term relations 

Someone who is not considerate about others, will not be upset upon leaving them. Narcissists usually do not engage in deep and long term relations with anyone. They do not have permanent friends. And that is mainly because they only accept you in their circle as long as you are conforming with their ideas and opinions. 

6. Criticism is their favourite hobby 

It is obvious that someone who is so obsessed about oneself, is highly critical about others. Narcissists, since they believe they are perfect, will try to pick out faults in others. Their way of doing things is the only right way. Therefore, everyone else has room for improvement except them. They criticise you to the point that you start doubting yourself. You yourself start to think that they are right. 

7. No Apologies 

When talking about narcissists, one thing leads to another. Since they think they have done things in the right manner, they are not wrong, they have a valid point behind every action, therefore, no apologies ever. Whatever they might do to others, they will not apologise for their behaviour, because what they believe is that they have not done anything which needs an apology. 

8. They play Victim 

Narcissists know their ways. They know how to make others feel guilty. They know that they have the power to manipulate situations. No matter what situation they are in, they will make sure that they are portrayed as the victims. They can easily make you feel apologetic, guilty and upset over things that you did not even initiate. 

After having read this, ask yourself, are you surrounded by a narcissist? If yes, then there should be nothing to stop you from protecting yourself from them. 


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