Syed Muzammil Shah-Journalist
Name any one city of Pakistan where there are pubs, nude beaches, where women can roam in bikinis on streets and they wear very few clothes in public?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
But according to NGO named WAR(War Against Rape), in 82% of the total rape cases reported in Pakistan, rapists are family members of the victim (mostly Mahram) so it is not even about going out and wearing the modest clothes. How do you explain that?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men
But out of the 22000 rape cases reported in Pakistan in the last 6 years, only 77 rapists were convicted (Conviction rate: 0.3%). 99.7% criminals escaped. The culprit of Motorway rape case also had 10 FIRs in his name before getting arrested. What institutional reforms did you introduce to improve conviction rates?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
But if it’s about women, how would you explain child abuse? Almost 1500 cases of child sexual abuse were reported last year, how did they provoke the rapist? What clothes were they wearing? How did the 6 year old Zainab provoke her rapist? How did the 10 year old boy who was assaulted more than a 100 times in a seminary in Mansehra last year (to the point that his eyes started bleeding) provoke the rapist cleric? Also, why there is no mention of the choice of attires/clothing of the rape victim as a factor in increasing sexual violence in Pakistan Penal Code and 1973 constitution of Pakistan, if it results in more cases?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
But there have been many cases of necrophilia (sexual acts with dead bodies unearthed from the graves) reported in Punjab in the last few years as well. So are you saying we don’t cover our dead bodies properly as well?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
Poverty is a factor in vulnerability of the rape victims. According to NGO sahil, 90% of street children in Pakistan at some point experience sexual abuse. Pakistan has the second largest number of out of school children (44% children between the age of 8 to 16 years are out of schools) who are vulnerable to abuse and it has nothing to do with what women wear. What are you doing to fix that?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
According to the social contract theory, states were created by the people to protect lives of the citizens and to stop people from exercising violence based on their natural instincts(both sexual and criminal). If a head of a state like you, starts blaming violence on sexual instincts in men (the temptation theory) rather than creating mechanisms to hinder it, what is the purpose of a state of such kind to even exist?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
According to NGO Sahil, 72% of rape cases are reported in rural areas, not in big cities, where there is strict segregation and you can hardly even see women leaving the premises of their houses, let alone exposing themselves. That means segregation is directly proportional to rape incidents. The more segregation, the more cases. How do you see that?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
You said our culture is different so our men cannot stand obscenity in women. But why Pakistani men do not rape when they go abroad/western countries? There are no burqa-clad women there then how do Pakistani men control themselves there if it’s about temptation?
Imran Khan: If women wear few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
You said temptation leads to rape but psychologists disagree. Psychologists explain different rape cases through these theories: Groth Typology, Sadistic Rape, Power Assertive Rape, False Gender Relations. These theories explain that rape is a crime of domination, opportunity, psychological illness and masculinity triggered by the will to overpower the victim. Many burqa clad women have also been harassed and raped and there are video evidences of that.These theories reject your argument that mere temptation triggers rape cases. How do you respond to that?
Imran Khan: If women wear very few clothes, it’ll have an impact on men.
Le* Pakistanis: We support Imran Khan and he is 100% right about the causes of rape cases in Pakistan!!
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