10 Flight Hacks To Turn Your Flying Anxiety Into Luxury

Flying is the biggest thrill known to man to date. It’s not only exciting to get around the world, the idea of being above and beyond everything on Earth is also mesmerizing. But airplane journey often comes with flight delays, baggage misplacement, and turbulence nightmares.

COVID-19 has just added another fly in the ointment. To safeguard your journey from unnecessary irksomeness, we have compiled 10 simple hacks to make your entire travel experience a whole lot better.

1. Pack Smart

This you probably know already but the question is how? For starters, you can put heavier, larger items such as towels or sweatshirts at the bottom of your suitcase before you start packing anything else. Roll up every clothing item that can be rolled and pack item within item wherever possible.

2. Ditch the Queue!

It is ridiculous to be actually saying this but some people still don’t use technology to it’s potential. Instead of waiting for hours at airport counters to book a flight or get a ticket, just call customer service instead. The flight will be booked for you at your convenience and you won’t need to wait in the queues all day long.

3. Dress Accordingly

Yes, dressing up can be important more often than not but flights don’t have to be a red carpet for Paris fashion week. Instead, you can put on your favorite sweatshirt, tracksuit, or whichever dress you feel most comfortable in and live your day.

4. No Soda No Burping

While one might not have a lot of options to eat on a flight, there are some things you can avoid to keep your metabolism in check. For example, carbonated drinks and ice is a no during a flight unless you wanna embarrass yourself with a “gas situation.”

5. Turbulence Tip

Turbulence during flight can be a nightmare for passengers especially first-timers. To cope better with turbulence, pick above the wing of the plane and book a morning flight if possible. Most importantly, avoid the back as that’s where you’ll feel it the most.

6. Use Your Time As You Want

Flights can be sometimes very long, so use your time as you want, whether you want to check some emails, take a nap or just enjoy the flight. Remember to pack some noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to block out the noise and enjoy your time in the air.

7. Tour Research

Being on a flight means you’re heading to a place you’re probably not so familiar with. It’s better to do some research and plan things ahead of the tour. Download offline maps and make a mental sequence of the places to visit. With the help of technology, explore your travel destination!

8. Keep Hydrated

Due to there being less moisture way up in the air, your body tends to dehydrate faster when you’re flying. Keep that in mind and stay hydrated even if means a few extra visits to the restroom. It is recommended to drink at least one cup of water every hour of your flight.

9. Jogging Off The Jetlag

Ask anyone about it, jetlags are the most annoying aspect of flights. But jetlags can be easily dealt with by a simple jog. Instead of overdosing on coffee and putting on a cranky show, get up in the morning and go for a nice jog in the sun. The time spent in the sun along with some physical activity will set your biological clock right.

10. Fragile Luggage

It is both a time and luggage-saving hack. Just mark your luggage as fragile, this ensures that your property is taken care of. It will also mean that your luggage will be placed on the top of the pile and you’ll also be able to get your things from the carousel before most passengers.


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