Upcoming Marvel DC Comics Portray Superman As Bisexual

DC Comics has announced that in their upcoming issue, Superman character will be portrayed as bisexual. The next issue of the comic book is expected to be published in November. DC Comics made the announcement on National Coming Out Day, the annual Homosexual Awareness Day in the United States.

The “Superman: Son of Kal-El” is the story of John Kent who replaces his father Clark Kent as Superman. As per the announcement, DC world will feature John in a homosexual relationship with his friend Jay Nakamura for the first time.

So far in the series, which began in July, John has fought wildfires caused by climate change, stopped a high school shooting and protested the deportation of refugees. DC Comics says that John and Jay will start a romantic relationship as Superman gets mentally and “physically exhausted trying to save everyone.”

Photos of John and Jay kissing each other is already making rounds on social media, although the whole story of the upcoming comics is yet to be revealed. The author of the series, Tom Taylor, believes that introducing gay superman would have been difficult five or ten years ago today things have changed a lot.

“DC Comics was considering the idea even before I came up with it. I think we made a mistake by replacing Clark Kent with another white man,” says Tom.

The superman soaring with rainbow got mixed reactions from the Internet. Overall response to the story has been positive.

“This news about Superman makes my queer heart glad, knowing the positive impact it will have on so many young folks today & in the future,” tweeted actor Anthony Rapp.

On the other hand, Ex-Superman actor Dean Cain accused DC Comics of jumping on a bandwagon by portraying the next superman as bisexual.

“They said it’s a bold new direction, I say they’re bandwagoning. I don’t think it’s bold or brave or some crazy new direction,” said the actor, who starred in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman from 1993 to 1997.


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