Mimi Is Not Just A Movie, It’s A Message

Recently a movie was released on 30th July. And just like it’s name, the storyline of the movie was unique and different from the average story of movies coming up lately. The movie did not revolve around the typical love-revenge theme, or any love-triangle, or an Indian house politics. It was about an unconditional love, that humans were meant to spread.

All actors, especially Kriti Sanon, did a phenomenal job. She played the role of a dancer who aims to become a heroine, but is waiting for her miracle moment when she can collect enough money, to be able to go to Mumbai and materialise her dream. One night that miracle moment arrives, and she is offered to be a surrogate for an American couple who is looking for a healthy and physically fit girl. 

After some reluctance when she accepts the offer in turn of a huge amount of money, which she thinks can fulfil her future dreams. But then, life happens. The couple runs away after getting to know that the child they are looking forward to, will be disable, yes, a child with down’s syndrome. 

How Mimi deals with this situation and how she accepts the child inside her, with all the imperfections (disability), a child that will require her to set aside her dreams of being a heroine, a child that will require her constant attention, and a child which is not even her own, is remarkable. 

The movie has three strong messages, which are very important to be proliferated in the society. First, even if your child is not normal, and is born with a disease you cannot control, do not abandon your child. Its not their fault that they are born this way, and it’s not a fault in the first place. Our society glorifies the sacrifices and efforts parents make for their children, but what about those millions of children who are abandoned just because they are born with a disease, or because they are born with faulty genitals, or in some cases just because they are born with XX chromosomes. 

Second important message, this movie conveys is, that, use the technology which is at your disposal. Normalise surrogacy. Rather than abandoning your spouse and remarrying in the hope of offsprings, accept surrogacy as an option. The world is moving ahead, science is doing wonders with every passing day, why not make some use of it? 

And the last, but most important message, that MIMI passed on, was the option of adoption. There are millions of children who are looking for homes, parents, love, affection and attention. If nature is giving somebody a chance to be a parent to someone who is going to value it the most, why lose this opportunity? 

This movie was a perfect blend of comedy and emotions. It made people laugh and cry at the same time. Mimi got the support that everyone deserves, from her family. Being a part of a community where people do not even know the meaning of surrogacy, she was supported as a surrogate mother. Her child was accepted, and not just accepted but loved wholeheartedly.  


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