Neelam Aslam – Journalist
There is a lot of on going debate on social media about coronavirus vaccines and their efficacy. People are concerned and curious but because of the negative propaganda and fake news which is making rounds on social media platforms. And therefore, people are still reluctant about the use of these vaccines.
From all the infertility propaganda to the news that vaccinated people are going to die in two years netizens are spreading negativity about these vaccines.
Let’s talk about the most indecent bullying, that people are ridiculed for posting pictures of them being vaccinated. I personally think It is the need of time and a most necessary thing to do right now. By posting your pictures you are normalizing getting jabbed.
You are normalizing it for masses who are confused, you are motivating them by a practical example that If you can do this everyone should do this.
I was mocked and bullied about my age, my weight ,for getting a Chinese vaccine and also for recording the whole process on my phone for my followers.
But despite all of this trolling, I am content and happy that I did it . Sending love to all of you who think that their insensitive approach and hatred can stop me from doing something right and necessary.
Another thing I have recently observed is that Vaccines are becoming another Social Status symbol for some countries and elites.
For instance if someone is getting Moderna and Pfizer they are considered to be privileged and elite, but those getting Chinese vaccines are not classy. Social media is playing a very negative role again in this whole scenario.
I believe World Health Organisation ( WHO) should take notice of this clear divide among rich and poor countries and must play it’s just role in this regard as soon as possible because humans living in all parts of the world are of same importance and every life is valuable. WHO should authorise more and more vaccines after keen supervision of their quality and results.
We can’t afford another divide in the world on the basis of vaccines when already we are seeing a clear prejudice for different ethnicities, colour, cast and race. We want a fair world and equal opportunities for every single soul on earth because every life holds same value.
Last but not the least I urge all of you to get vaccinated and put your pictures on social media to inspire and motivate your friends and family. Do not get hurt by the bullies rather show them kindness because Kindness is the highest form of intelligence.
Watch the complete Vlog of Neelam Aslam Here
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