Biden criminalizes anti-Asian hate crime

United States President Joe Biden signed an anti-hate crime legislation yesterday, directing federal law enforcement to address the spike in violent attacks against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the US. The law was passed by both chambers of Congress by large majority votes.

While speaking at a White House ceremony, President Biden said that;

“There are simple core values and beliefs that should bring all together as Americans. One of them is standing together against hate, against racism.”

The ceremony was attended by Democratic legislators and administration officials.

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris said that while the new law brings the US closer to stopping hate,

“The work to address injustice, wherever it exists, remains the work ahead.”

This new law seeks to speed up the Justice Department’s review of anti-Asian hate crimes. It will also designate an official at the Justice Department to oversee the effort.

The new law directs the US Department of Justice to focus on the prosecution of violent crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. There was a surge in Asian hate since the coronavirus pandemic. This lead to a surge in racially motivated crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders over the past year. This includes a shooting in March 2021 in Georgia that killed six women of Asian descent.


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