My Stepfather Tried to Sexually Abuse Me Multiple Times As A Kid: Eshal Fayyaz

While the issue of child abuse has finally made its way to the discussion table, abuse at the hands of the family is still too taboo to talk about. Recently actress Eshal Fayyaz opened up about childhood abuse at the hands of her then step-father. In her appearance on Shan-e-Suhoor, she bravely shared her traumatizing experience with Nida Yasir.

The Kaaf Kangana star shared how she grew up without a father as her biological father passed away when she was very young. As is custom to marry off young widows, her mother ended up remarrying when Eshal was around three to four years old.

Rather than be a supportive figure in her life, Eshal’s stepfather turned out to be a child predator.

“When my father died, I was very young. I was around three or four years old when my mother married someone else. After this, when I grew a little older, my step-father at the time tried to rape me.”

As a child, Eshal Fayyaz understood her stepfather’s actions were wrong, but she didn’t know how to process the ugly truth. Young and traumatized she stayed quiet at the time while the incidents continued to playback in her head.

“I did not have much sense back then. I went up to my mother and told her what happened. This also became the reason for their divorce.”

However, when the Abro actress finally told the truth about the attempted sexual assault multiple times, her mother stood by her. Her mother divorced her husband

“I told my mother that he tried to rape me. Not once, not twice, not even thrice. When it happened for the fourth time, I had had enough.”

Eshal Fayyaz told her older sister and the two siblings then spoke to their mother together.

“My mother divorced him after this and never got married again.”

Previously Pakistani actress also Faryal Mehmood shared how she was sexually abused as a child by her stepfather.


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