Sikh Shop-Owner in KP Sets Example by Selling Goods at Low Prices to Honor Ramadan

A Sikh trader in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has won hearts nationwide by selling goods to people without any profits. To help Muslims financially during the holy month of Ramadan, Naranjan Singh, a trader belonging to the Sikh community in KP, is selling groceries and other goods in Ramadan without any profit.

The holy month of Ramadan brings blessings for everyone and Naranjan Singh is determined to collect as many as he can.  According to Singh, he gives up profit every year in the holy month of Ramadan as part of his annual tradition to gather as many blessings as possible.

“People can earn profits in the remaining 11 months but this month is about helping other people,” Singh says.

The netizens of Peshawar were surprised over the goods being sold at unbelievably low rates at Naranjan’s shop in Jamrud Bazaar. They welcomed the kind gesture of the Sikh brother and expressed their gratitude.

His humanitarian gesture was appreciated by millions which came at a time when the growth of the businesses has halted and the common man is under severe financial burden due to the pandemic.

The shop owned by Singh is a decades-old shop in Jamrud Bazaar of Peshawar. Not only Singh has cut his profits during Ramadan, but he is also paying extra expenses out of his pocket for rent of the shop and wage of laborers due to the forging profits in the rest of the markets in Ramadan.

During the month of Ramadan, an artificial price hike is created by the extortionists and profiteers to seize more profits in Ramadan. Although the government has set a fixed price for every good, traders in several cities are noted brazenly defying the price rates set by the government.

When the government decides to take action against traders hoard, the second evil of the black market is set free in the markets to create artificial demand and supply imbalance.

The government has assigned teams for price control who make regular inspections in the markets throughout the country to regulate the price control in Ramadan but so far it has failed to keep the prices under control.

In such a hopeless scenario, Naranjan Singh has emerged as a ray of hope for common people and set a unique example for other traders to follow when the tradition of hoarding and price hiking is unrestrained in Ramadan


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