5 August to 5 February: A Tale of 792,000 Minutes Without Human Rights in Kashmir

Another year has passed, another Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed while the 12 million residents of Indian Occupied Kashmir, desperate for freedom, continue to live under the constant fear for life. The world experienced a mere reflection of lockdown in 2020, only Kashmiris know the true horror of a ceaseless lockdown.

On Aug 5th, 2019, a 73 years old promise was flushed down the drain when The Indian Government sent shock waves across the globe by undoing the special status of IOK through abrogation of Article 370 to take direct control of the state of Kashmir.

“The heaven on Earth” was made the most militarized region of the planet with the deployment of about a million size force. As the lockdown enters the 550th day, 45% of the population of IOK is already showing signs of mental deterioration, not to mention the nameless unmarked graves, countless rape victims, innumerable orphaned children, divide families, broken communities, and a drowning economy.

India, despite being the largest democracy in the world has encaged 12 million people against their will as the same force that murdered Mahatma Gandhi, The RSS, now controls the government of India. The saffron plague with its fascist mindset is targeting minorities with racial superiority.

This modern-day fascism is working to change the demographics of Kashmir by abrogation of Article 370 followed by domicile law and citizenship amendment law. How long before a Muslim genocide begins in IOK?

Pakistan has taken the road of peace by opening the Kartapur corridor to which India has responded by building a temple on the site of a historic mosque.

Once again the Scissors of tyranny have clipped the wings of peace. It’s about the time world intervenes and breaks the arm of oppression that has mutilated the spirit of freedom. Until the Kashmiris are given the right of self-determination as granted by the UN resolution of 1948, this human tragedy will continue to haunt us all.


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