In a Historic Move, UAE Offers Citizenship to Investors and Professionals

Many individuals go to United Arab Emirates (UAE) for better opportunities. Being a tourist-centric and well-rounded country, it offers unique business and job opportunities to people across the world. However, despite that people plan on going there, they know they will have to return or move at some point in life.

That is not because the country is unconducive for living (in fact, it is quite the contrary). The major reason people are unable to settle there permanently is that the residency in Emirates is attached to employment. The government earlier attempted to prolong people’s stay by extending its golden visa system. This system allows 10-year residency in the state and is available for specialized degree-holders, certain professionals, and businesspersons.

Now, the government has made its citizenship laws more flexible. Certain individuals can avail the citizenship of the Gulf state. However, it is not clear if they can benefit from the public welfare system as an ordinary citizen.

Who Is Eligible for UAE Citizenship?

People who can be naturalized under this law include scientists, investors, doctors, and other skilled professionals. In short, this opportunity is for those individuals that can be an asset to the state.

Under the amended law, those investors will be granted citizenship who own a property in the Gulf state. For doctors and other professionals, they need to specialize in the field required by the Emirates. These individuals should have extensive contributions to research and studies. They should have at least 10 years of experience in their respective fields and be a member of a reputable professional organization.

The law also provides for the facilitation of ‘talented people’, which are classified into two categories. The first one includes the investors with at least one patent filed in the Emirates Ministry of Economy or an accredited international institution. These individuals will require a recommendation letter from the Ministry of Economics.

The second category is for the artists and intellectuals who are pioneers in arts, culture, and other talents with an international award along with a recommendation letter from the state’s respective institutions.

What Is In It for Pakistanis?

Pakistanis constitute the second largest foreign nationality in UAE with a population of 1.2 million. Notably, these expats are the second-largest source of foreign remittances for Pakistan. The majority of these individuals are partly or unskilled labor. Now with more incentives for educated and talented individuals, these people can go to the Emirates for better opportunities. As their own country has very few employment opportunities, Pakistanis can now move to the Gulf state. Moreover, the inter-state relations can also improve with the increased Pakistani population in the Emirates.


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