The Most Dependent Entity in the World—Women

Neelam Aslam-Journalist and Social Activist

Women Empowerment- Somebody has to speak!


Its been ages that the issues related to women are being highlighted, and women are struggling for their very basic rights, a lot has changed in their favor as well, but practically they still remain a subjugated part of the population. Starting from their political right to vote, women have been a struggling figure. More interestingly this issue is not just confined to Pakistan or other third world countries, but it’s equally a developed world issue. On practical grounds, there is a lot to be done and I am sure the room for improvement never ceases to exist. Therefore, keeping in mind our own country’s issues, two things can be done and if enforced, can bring a 360-degree change in the position of women. Now is the time to break away the stigmas and taboos that the society have attached to the woman. First and foremost, step which must be taken in this regard is to EDUCATE WOMEN. And by education I do not mean a compromised schooling and a degree in some home economics course. Professional degrees and good schooling is as important for women as it is for the men of the society. For a society to be functional, all its members must be given equal opportunities to polish their skills and in turn be a productive member of the society. Quality of education should be maintained for both the genders. Spending money on your son’s education and saving it when it comes to your daughter, will not make you rich. Rather it will make you poor. Socially poor, morally poor and mentally Poorer. Sending your son abroad for higher studies will not make him come back to you after he is done with his degree. And keeping your daughter’s home will not make them stay with you forever. Its high time, opening one’s mindset should be done as often as you open your mouth. Girls should be given exposure, so that they learn to meet the challenges of the world.

Skill learning is important, cooking, cleaning and what not. But I must say it’s equal for both. And women should not be confined within four walls of their house to do the cleaning and cooking. They can manage this with their out of house jobs too. If both men and women do their jobs outside and then do the household chores together, things can be managed more efficiently. Financial independence is crucially important if one needs to secure one’s position in the society.


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