Problem With The Men Of Our Society!

Even the man who loves you the most will be happy to see you doing good but not more than him!


So, this is the problem with our men this young boy shared it on social media but he didn’t know he is not the only one who has faced such insecurity or jealousy from the opposite gender.
He is identifying the biggest problem of all the time. Men are very supportive for women these days but few things are in their instincts I guess and one of them is that they can’t see any woman surpassing them .
He became insecure when his girl friend won all the praise and attention but the worst part is he wanted her girl friend to apologize for being so extraordinary .
This is not a joke this is how men tricks women and punish them for just being who they are. They make women feel bad for their extraordinary talents.
While women face such behaviors everyday they do all the house chores , sacrifices their lives but because men are the bread winners women never get acknowledged and never get appreciation but women do not get jealous because I think women themselves have internalized this belief that men in every aspect are superior to them.





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