Parents or super humans?

Neelam Aslam

Journalist , Social Activist

Parents are undoubtedly the purest, loveable and phenomenal creation of God. One
can never really understand them, and cannot weigh the intensity, density, volume
and depth of their love. Eventually all your perceptions about them are going to be
proved wrong. And they will then surprise you with going to another level in their
love for you.

Humans and all the things around us, have been subject to evolution. Resultantly our
parents are very different from our grand parents and parents of this era. Nevertheless, it has been my ultimate believe since I was a child that my wonder woman is my mother and my father is the captain planet of my life. Moreover I am a difficult daughter of two seemingly difficult parents. Yet, they never treated me like a daughter, not even like a son, rather I have always been privileged to be treated like royalty. But it is noteworthy here, that this did not give me the license to do everything and anything. They have never imposed restrictions on me.

We discuss matters, and in the end, the logical argument wins the table. I can say, my
home is like a mini-supreme court, where everyone has the right to speak, to agree
and agree to disagree. Where discussions are all inclusive and no body is marginalised. I cannot thank my parents enough for the life they have given me. My friends think its my journalistic training which turned me into a person as vocal as I am, about every situation. But its just me, who knows, its my home training.

Anyway, the list of their virtues is long and cannot be summated in one book, let alone one
article. But what makes me most thankful towards them is the freedom of expression
they have given me. They have given me a voice, which does not hesitate to be raised
against anything wrong that i observe and for the support of all good happening around me. They have done my character building and have prepared me to face all
the challenges which life has or will pose towards me.

Its important to tell them right away, that without them I am just a body, they
complete me, being my soul. Being not very expressive we and especially me,
usually cannot explain to them or show them the love for them, but this article is a
tribute to my parents. And I’d advise you all to not waste a single second, and go hug
your parents, tell them you love them and let them know what they mean to you.


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